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12 Gamification Badges You Can Give to Reward Your Employees

It can be challenging to pay attention and take part in the training. Learning management systems have offered various options to simplify this process. However, a lot of employees find training monotonous and forget a lot of what they learn in training sessions. That is where gamification badges come in.

Gamification badges can raise employees’ level of engagement. Employers can motivate their staff to go the extra mile to fulfill training objectives by seeing their badges on a user-friendly interface.

Gamification badges

In this article, we will walk you through the fundamentals of gamification badges and how they may make your employees more efficient.

What is a Gamification Badge?

A Gamification badge is a component that serves as a reward and represents the learners’ accomplishments (employees in our case).

Gamification badges are offered as rewards or recognition to show them their accomplishments are acknowledged, especially when given to an employee who received the best performer of the month/year award. These badges can motivate learners or employees to accomplish more significant successes.

Gamification badges are a means for employers to recognize their top workers and let them know they are “amazing” and “great” at what they do. They lose their impact if they are not distinctive or significant. However, the badges should be genuine, precise, and deliberate. Badges identify your most motivated and effective staff when included in a gamification framework.

Impact of Gamification Badges on Employees

As per a study, 58% of respondents said that receiving even a simple “Thank you” or “Great Job” regularly from their managers positively impacted their morale at work.

An individual feels satisfied when their performance is recognized. This motivates them to keep improving and ties them to bigger objectives.

Today, it has become essential to recognize employees’ accomplishments to run a successful company. Recognition elevates the value of employees’ accomplishments and makes badges workable. The concept of giving honors and rewards has been around for a long time.

Types of Gamification Badges to Reward Your Employees

1- Creative Badges for Creative Employees

You are always employees that continually contribute fresh ideas and imagination to their work. These are typically the people who have a genuine enthusiasm for what they do and consistently strive to achieve their best. Tell them you value what they are doing. It’s important to remember to thank them occasionally.

Others will be compelled to offer their thoughts and go above and beyond by receiving such appreciation. If you still need to set aside an award for them, do so immediately.

2- Badge for Work Anniversary

Employees should be commended for achieving milestones, work anniversaries, and specific events and accomplishments. This encompasses everything from thoughtfully welcoming new employees to wishing them a work anniversary to your employees.

Use an automated gifting service like myCred Anniversary Pro to mark anniversaries publicly and combine your thoughtful rewards all in one place.

3- Badge of Acceptance

Employee recognition means making an emotional connection with your team. The badge of acceptance is a wonderful concept. It ensures that all of your staff members have badges, and having them listed on your corporate websites helps reassure them that they are valued, team members. These less-known factors influence employee recognition. Badges serve as a social status to employees. They are practical and have a variety of uses.

Similarly, if you list your staff on the internet, they sense being a part of something bigger!

4- Badge for Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Peer recognition is always special for employees. Peers occasionally have a higher knowledge level of their coworkers than supervisors in control. Peers collaborate at work and keep harmony while their interactions are less intimate. They frequently see features that bosses need to catch up on.

Healthy peer-to-peer recognition through badges is essential to a business’s success. You may complete the process swiftly by conducting surveys among the staff and identifying the ones who received the most votes.

5- Badges for Wellness

An organization can benefit from promoting wellness in various ways.

Employees can receive free or discounted gym memberships through a badge to maintain health. To keep employees motivated, you need to give them a lifestyle so they can stay fit. Also, you must also recognize their health achievements through the upgradation of badges.

Along with other advantages like enhancing workers’ well-being, decreasing absenteeism, and boosting productivity, it tags the organization as “caring.”

They feel honored when additional efforts are made to boost employees’ wellness (apart from work).

6- Badges for Efficient Commuting

Your company may use badges as a bonus for employees if it saves the best parking places for the top-level executives. The reward program can encourage employees to embrace efficient commuting and environment-friendly transportation options such as carpooling.

By granting your staff access to these first-class benefits, you may convey to them your value.

7- Badges for Punctuality

Being on time is a quality that distinguishes one person from others. Additionally, having diligent and on-time workers is nothing short of a blessing.

Thus, it is crucial to thank the staff for their diligence and on-time presence. Such attributes can be rewarded and recognized at work, pushing the individual to exhibit them and inspiring the remainder of the workers to emulate them.

8- Social Recognition Through Badges

Recognizing employees is not something that should be done behind closed doors. While you thank your staff by awarding them badges, go public. They receive the chance to show off their gratitude when you publicly thank them.

Turning to social media is an additional means of making Employee recognition public. Naturally, your staff members devote a significant amount of time to social platforms. They would feel thrilled if they could brag about their success on social platforms.

9- Badge for Recognizing Experience

Another fantastic method to reward and acknowledge employees through badges is to allow them to share the lessons they learned throughout their service. Also, every employee appreciation initiative seeks to instill a sense of worth in the participants.

Making a framework where senior staff members may train new hires will highlight their value to the company. It will also boost their reputation in the eyes of newcomers.

10- Badges for Professional Development

A few ambitious professionals may desire to expand their field knowledge beyond the scope of their job descriptions. Thus, you must support them as an employer. You can do so by awarding a badge to recognize an individual’s personal development, which is equally essential as organizational development.

It can be accomplished by funding enrollment in their preferred online/offline courses or by approving a vacation so they can hone their skills.

11- Badges Based on Performances

Pay attention to the honors of the illustrious Employee of the Year and Employee of the Month. They continue to be effective instruments for boosting employee recognition.

Performance-based rewards have a certain temptation on their own, and they have consistently shown to be an effective way to recognize talent over a significant time period. It is important to continue this time-based tradition because it motivates people.

12- Progress Badges

As employees go from one designation to the other, they expect to get some sort of recognition, and badges can be that recognition. It can be a tool to motivate and assist your staff in completing challenging tasks.

A project-relevant incentive structure should be there to design progress badges. You may create progress badges for employees based on the percentage of sales a team achieves. For instance, a company can offer a progress badge on a yearly sales target.

Wrap Up

It can take time to develop awards or ideas for employee recognition. In the workplace, gamification badges are a potent incentive and reward tool. The goal of badges is to stimulate people by awarding them for their efforts, even when work is not enjoyable.
