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myCred Retro

myCred Retro

Support retroactive payouts for user registrations, published content & published comments.

Give points retroactively for past events! Sometimes, when you install myCred on a website, you might already have existing content that you would like to reward/deduct points for. That’s where this plugin can come in handy. It supports retroactive payouts for user registrations, published content & published comments.

Installation Guide


  1. Backup your websites database just to be safe!
  2. Install and enable the plugin on your website.
  3. Go to your Tools > Import page in your admin area.
  4. Select the retroactive tool you want to use.


Adjusting the session threshold

By default, the plugin will run 150 entries per session to prevent your server from timing out. You can change this value using the MYCRED_RETRO_MAX constant. The value you set should be a number that your server can handle within the max execution time limit set. Increasing this value will run more tasks in one session and speed up the process, however it will also put more strain on your server. It’s highly recommended that you run this tool when your website is either offline or have low traffic as the site response time will slow down. This of course will only apply when the tool is running.

To adjust this threshold, add the following to your wp-config.php file before running any tool:

define( 'MYCRED_RETRO_MAX', 1000 );

Remember to remove it once you are done using this plugin.


Log Entries

You can choose to give your users points without a log entry if you prefer. This will be a fast task to run then also adding in a log entry for each payout. However if there is no log entry of the event, you can not give badges for these past events either! There is also a risk of users getting points for comments/content, multiple times in certain situations. These log entries will be the same entries the corresponding hook leaves, in case you want to continue rewarding users for publishing content or comments in the future.

Retroactive Comments

  1. First, you must select the comment status you want to reward. If you do not have comments of a particular type, the type option will be disabled in the dropdown menu.
  2. If you are using multiple point types, select the point type you want to award.
  3. Provide a positive value for giving points or a negative value for taking points from the author.
  4. Set the log entry template.
  5. Click Start


Retroactive Content

  1. First, you must select the post type you want to reward. If you do not have posts of a particular type, the type option will be disabled in the dropdown menu.
  2. If you are using multiple point types, select the point type you want to award.
  3. Provide a positive value for giving points or a negative value for taking points from the author.
  4. Set the log entry template.
  5. Click Start


Retroactive Signups

  1. First, you must select the role you want to reward. If you do not have users of a particular role, the role option will be disabled in the dropdown menu.
  2. If you are using multiple point types, select the point type you want to award.
  3. Provide a positive value for giving points or a negative value for taking points from the user.
  4. Set the log entry template.
  5. Click Start.

2 reviews for myCred Retro

Christophe Dupas

January 8, 2018



July 31, 2017

Nice feature ! (Y)

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