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myCred 1.6.5 Now Available


Version 1.6.5 is now available and is highly recommended for anyone that uses BuddyPress, the “Points for viewing content” hook or the Badges Add-on.


Version 1.6.5 brings compatibility for BuddyPress 2.3+ and resolves a bug with awarding points for updating your avatar.

Points for viewing content Hook

As of version 1.6.5, the hook will only award points once per post for viewing. The post author will not receive points if someone who has already received points for viewing their content views the same content again. Author esentially only gets points if the viewer gets points as well. To override this and give the author points on all views no matter what, add the following code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file:

add_filter( 'mycred_view_content_author', '__return_true' );

Badges Add-on

The mycred_users_of_rank shortcode has received a slight upgrade to prevent incorrect use of the shortcode resulting in no badges being shown. The documentation for the shortcode has also been updated.

For a complete list of changes please see the changelog.
