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Treasure License

Do I need to renew an asset license?

No. There are no asset licenses that contain one-time payments and do not need to be renewed. Also, it offers unlimited access to the myCred treasure’ updates.

Basic license vs Extended license

Basic License

Extended License

Can you share any image?
Can you remix, transform or modify any image?
Can you share the remixed, transformed or modified images?
Can you use an image for commercial use?*
Can you use or resell an image as a part of a service (eg. on a client website)?
Can you use any image on multiples websites?
On websites you own
On websites you own or manage (client websites)
Can you use an image as part of a logo?
Can you use a modified version of an image as part of a logo?

What does commercial use mean?

Commercial use points out income-generating use of any kind, whether direct or indirect.

You cannot resell an image directly (share), individually, or as part of an image bundle.

However, you can upload and use the image on any of the websites you own or manage (client websites).

Which license covers the Free version of Treasure Icons?

The basic license.

Do you offer customizations of purchased myCred treasure?

(eg: a new image, custom color palette, alteration of an existing image, etc) No, check our support policy for gaining full information about support included in our licenses.

Can I request a refund?

For our protection, no refunds are allowed for myCred Treasure

You can preview the treasures completely before the purchase through the images displayed on the “Screenshots” section where you are able to see all unique designs contained (a watermark to avoid subtractions) and the different colors palettes included.

Additionally, you will find a table with all details (like formats and image sizes) on the asset’s page.

For more information about refunds, and other matters pertaining to your purchase, view our refunds policy.