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Name those Points

This Sunday, August 3rd, the website will be offline from noon for a few hours while I am adding in a few new features.

Naming Contest

I will be introducing two new point types on the website and are looking for help with naming them. Each of the winning names will be rewarded with 3000 Tokens!

  • Name 1 – This point type will be used for demos on the website and will have no value besides just testing things out.
  • Name 2 – The point type will be used for activities around the website. You will earn these points for helping out, participating in comments etc. You can exchange these for Tokens.


  1. Suggestions must be sent by email to and you must include your username to count. Suggestions posted anywhere else are ignored.
  2. If more than one user suggests a name that is picked, the user who suggested it first will be the winner.
  3. If you give suggestions to both types and both get picked, you win 6000 tokens in total.
  4. The name must be a single or maximum two words long and maximum of 32 characters in length.
  5. Comments are closed on Sunday, August 3rd at noon (Danish time).
  6. Names that can not be used: Points, Coins, or Tokens.


From Monday, Tokens will only be earned by reporting bugs, helping out in the support forum, store purchases or rewards. All other events will instead be handled by “Name 2”. Of course you will keep your current balance! Nothing is removed, only added.
