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myCred 1.4 Beta is now available!

It has finally arrived! After weeks of delay, I am happy to announce that the 1.4 beta is now ready for beta testing! The last few days I have been ill due to food-poisoning and mainly spent my time in bed feeling horrible. I am a little behind on emails and forum support topics. I will get back to everyone ASAP!


It is not recommended that you use the beta on a live site! Make sure you take a backup of your database and have a fresh copy of your current version handy if something goes horribly wrong!
If you are using myCred Customizations, please make sure your code works with 1.4 as a large sections of the plugin has been updated in order to accomodate some of the new features.
Note that version 1.4 requires WordPress 3.5 or higher! Older versions will no longer be supported due to security flaws and bugs, some of which effects myCred. This will be the last version to support older WordPress versions. The next update will require 3.8 or higher!
Expected official release date for 1.4 is March 24th!
Remember that you can gain Tokens for helping me find and squash beta bugs! Please make sure you post your findings in the Beta forum to avoid confusion with the current version and the beta! Bugs posted outside the beta forum do not get awarded Tokens!
You can download 1.4 Beta 9 here.

How to update:

    1. Disable any custom code you use in your themes functions.php file or third-party plugin.
    2. Disable the myCred plugin in the admin area (DO NOT DELETE)
    3. Unzip the beta and upload the files to your wp-content/plugins/ folder, replacing your existing copy.
    4. Re-enable the myCred plugin in the admin area.
    5. Re-enable your custom code.

If you have any issues, please make sure you have WP_DEBUG enabled in your wp-config.php file.
Below I have put together some temporary information on all the new features and changes coming to 1.4. I will during beta testing update the Codex to include better documentation on the new features along with all API documentations for myCred.

myCred Hooks

Points for referrals

Award or deduct points for users referring visitors or signups!
Award or deduct points for users referring visitors or signups!

Based on the most popular myCred tutorial, this new hook is a very basic referral system for users who does not need something advanced but still want to be able to award points for visit referrals or signups. Note that if you are looking for more advanced features, I recommend WP Affiliate Plugin or similar.
The hook will award points for signups and visits with the option to enforce an IP limit and if BuddyPress is enabled lets you include referral details directly into your user’s profile pages.

Gravity Forms

I have added support for Gravity Forms, allowing you to award points for form submissions just like with Contact Form 7! Requires the Gravity Forms plugin to be installed and enabled in order to be visible.

Disqus Comments

myCred now has built-in support for Disqus comments! Note that points are only awarded when your website gets synced with the Disqus server. If you have synced disabled, no points will be awarded! Support is added without any extra settings. Your Points for comments settings will be used.

rtMedia Uploads

Award / deduct points for media uploads via the rtMedia plugin! Built-in support for Photo, Video or Audio uploads with the option to deduct / award points if any uploaded media is deleted. Requires rtMedia to be installed and enabled in order to be visible.

myCred Add-ons

Add-ons in 1.4 have received a lot of improvements under the hood especially regarding adding support for multiple point types.

BuddyPress Add-on

In this screenshot you can see how multiple point types are displayed in the header along with a new option to sort history by type.
In this screenshot you can see how multiple point types are displayed in the header along with a new option to sort history by type.

In 1.4 the BuddyPress add-on has been removed and instead integrated into myCred just like any other supported third-party plugin. Once BuddyPress is installed and enabled, your BuddyPress settings and hooks are automatically inserted. BuddyPress now also supports multiple point types and making balances visible for other members will also make them visible for visitors.

Import Add-on

You can now find the myCRED Importers in your Tools > Import menu.
You can now find the myCred Importers in your Tools > Import menu.

The import add-on has been removed and instead you will find all myCred Importers directly on the Import page in your admin area under “Tools > Import”. Added support to import myCred Log entries or CubePoints log entries.

New Coupons Add-on

Creating coupons is easy and straight forward.
Creating coupons is easy and straight forward.

This new add-on allows you to set up coupons that users can deposit into their accounts. You can select coupons to have a global or user limit along with an optional minimum or maximum balance requirement! The Coupons add-on uses the new mycred_load_coupon shortcode which will allow your users to deposit a coupon.

buyCred Add-on

The buyCred add-on now supports bitcoin payments via BitPay via the new Gateway API. NETbilling no longer will collect your users credit card details locally but will instead re-direct to NETbilling for processing.

New BitPay along with the last IPN call overview.
New BitPay along with the last IPN call overview.

In 1.4 you also get a new option to create a custom log page for purchases. Once enabled, myCred will create a new menu item where you can view all points purchases. While editing your gateways, you will now also have access to a new feature where you can see the “Last Payment Notifications” that myCred has received.

New myCred Features

The Log

Example of the log with pagination.
Example of the log with pagination.
Example of how the log entry editor works.
Example of how the log entry editor works.

In 1.4 the myCred Log has been completely re-written adding support for pagination and export but you can now also select to edit each individual log entry or delete them one by one. Under your myCred > Settings > Core settings you can now also tell myCred to delete log entries automatically when a user is deleted!


The Leaderboard has been completely re-written with the old functions now depreciated! If you are using any of the leaderboard functions please make sure you update your code! As of 1.4 the leaderboard no longer supports updates based on a timeframe. The leaderboard will now update each time a user gains points!
In the leaderboard widget, you can now also select to show the current users position in the leaderboard if they are not in the number you requested. So if you for example show a “Top 10” list and the current user is not in the top ten, his position is appended in the bottom of the list with their position.

myCred Overview Dashboard Widget

The dashboard widget has been completely re-designed to support multiple point types. I welcome your feedback!

Clean and simple.
Clean and simple.

The widget will show the total amount of points currently in circulation along with how much points has passed though each add-on for an easier overview.

 Multiple Point Types

As of 1.4, you can now create multiple point types besides the default point type that you created when you first installed myCred. Each point type creates its own menu in your admin area where you can access the log and hooks for each particular point type. Once more then one point type is created, myCred will rename the menus to reflect the name you gave each point type.
Multiple Point Types have caused me to re-write / make adjustments to all myCred files. Right now, myCred Hooks have built-in support for multiple point types allowing you to set up hooks for each type without them effecting each-other.
For now, myCred Add-ons have limited support for multiple point types! Once 1.4 is out, I welcome your feedback on new features you would like to add.

Creating Point Types

Adding or removing point types were made to be as straight forward as possible.
Adding or removing point types were made to be as straight forward as possible.

Creating point types is easy. I have added a new menu on the myCred > Settings page where you can add/remove point types as you please. Once you have saved a new points type, you can set up that types of settings keeping looks and formatting separate. However, if you have setup myCred to use decimals, then all point types will use decimals as well!
The “Meta Key” represents the unique key under which your user’s balance is saved and is used as the identifier for the point type. It is case sensitive and can not contain any empty spaces!!
Note that all add-on settings will only be available on your main point type’s Settings page!

Add-on Support for Multiple Point Types

myCred add-ons have the following limitations regarding Multiple Point Types:

  • Banking Add-on – Right now the Banking add-on only supports and works with your main point type.
  • buyCred Add-on – buyCred only supports the purchase of one specific point type. On your main point types settings page, you will find a new option where you nominate the point type that users can buy.
  • Coupons Add-on – You can select what point type each coupon you create is connected to. A coupon can only be connected to one particular point type!
  • Email Notices Add-on – Right now Notices are only sent for your main point type.
  • Gateway Add-on – All supported shopping carts and event booking plugins have been updated to allow users to pay for events or store items using one particular point type.
  • Notifications Add-on – The Notifications add-on will show a notice in regards to points type. The premium add-on will receive an update where you can customize the look of each point type.
  • Ranks Add-on – Right now ranks will only work with your main point type.
  • Sell Content Add-on – Just like buyCred, you can nominate which point types users can use to make content purchases. Defaults to your main point type.
  • Transfers Add-on – Transfers have received a new option where you can select what point types can be transferred between users and the mycred_transfer shortcode has been updated to allow you to list point types that can be transferred or use your default settings. If users have access to more then one point type, a new select dropdown has been added to the form.


Transfer Form & Widgets
Both the myCred Balance and myCred Leaderboard has been updated to add support for multiple point types. Once you have more then one point type, you can access a new setting on each widget where you select which point types the widget should be using.
I have also added a new widget which I call myCred Wallet which is available once you have more the one point type! This widget allows you to show the current users point balances in a single widget. Only balances are shown, no history.

BuddyPress & Multiple Point Types

If you select to show your users balance in their profile or profile header and you have multiple point types, all their balances will be shown. When viewing their history page from their profile, I have added a new drop-down menu where they can select which point type they want shown.

Displaying & Editing Point Type Balances

The inline editor works with any number of point types.
The inline editor works with any number of point types.

I have updated both the toolbar and the user columns to reflect your multiple point types. The inline editor has also been updated to support multiple point types. All myCRED shortcodes have been updated to support you setting which particular points type the shortcode should be using.

Features that did not make the cut

  • Newsletter plugin – I need more time to get to know this plugin as I have never used before and are having some issues making a connection between the two plugins.

