How to Gamify ERP Systems Implementation to Drive User Engagement?

Enterprise solutions have already been considered as the key aspect of large-scale organizational operations. Although, they must possess certain challenges to the organizations from the implementation perspective, user training, and the use and acceptance of information tactics. Without effective usage, the enterprise systems may not provide strategic or competitive benefits based on the organizations’ desires.

gamify erp system
Hence, the organizations are seeking gamification to improve the training sessions, acceptance, testing, and usage.  There are significant ways to tackle challenges of the enterprise systems that can be easily addressed by the concept of gamification, highlighting the framework for the gamification for the enterprise systems.

The entire framework constitutes gamification’s key aspects and design elements, along with their applications to the enterprise systems. Seemingly, the specific principles of gamification consisting of points, ranks, badges, leaderboards, and progress bars highlight the application of these gamification principles which can leverage engagement tactics with the enterprise systems. Hence, the overall framework can be easily validated by the group of professionals, we can also provide practical and theoretical implications along with suggestions for future research and development.

What are ERP Systems?

An enterprise system, also known as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a completely functional management information system that provides organization-based cooperation and implementation of the integral business procedures and helps in the planning of the organizational resources. With the help of ERP systems, the information flow is streamlined seamlessly across the firm. Also, the different business processes ranging from sales, production, manufacturing, logistics, and human resources can be integrated into the organization-driven business processes.

Likewise, the ERP system is powered with the ERP software package that comprises a complete set of integrated software modules and a common centralized database. The software modules support the basic business processes under multiple functional areas and the database stores the data from and feed the data to various application that supports the internal business activities. For Instance, accounts payable, general ledger, cash management, and forecasting personnel administration, payroll, time management, inventory management, product pricing, billing, etc

What is Gamification?

Gamification is the use of game-based elements in a non-game environment, the examples of such game elements consist of points, badges, levels, leaderboards, achievements, and challenges. It has a technique that has heavily influenced nearly each and every industry in the past few years,  For Example, there are several ranges of gamification plugins including myCred, spin wheel for WooCommerce, and OptinSpin are some of the best options that can help you gamify your WordPress or WooCommerce-driven website.

In our case, the gamification can be used for making the implementation stage more user-friendly via incorporating the gaming elements making it fun-oriented, leaderboard, and virtual avatars. An example of what gamification will look like and the requisites steps followed could be as follows:

  1. Define how the outcomes should look like
  2. Identify the core users
  3. Talk about the steps users need to take to achieve desired outcomes
  4. Choose the suitable elements for the gamified process and associate them to the relevant phases
  5. Put in place a mechanism to monitor and evaluate it

In particular, ERP implementation with gamification elements offers a complete functionality based on the amalgamation of gamification and ERP systems to enhance the business processes in a streamlined manner. Hence, some of the benefits of gamification include the following aspects:

  1. Makes the application user and timeline-friendly.
  2. Adds fun-oriented elements to your website.
  3. Motivates stakeholder and user engagement.
  4. Improves performance, process efficiency, and effectiveness.

Applications and Use Cases of ERP Gamification

According to the latest reports, it has been identified that merging game-based mechanics and ERP software applications tends to gain traction to support business objectives such as operational efficiencies and productivity of their staff. The following assumptions have been observed that includes:

  • Business tycoons or leaders are trialing ERP and relevant software which improves the game elements that provide a clear ability of how to measure progress, quick feedback, and incentives that will directly support the accomplishments of the trackable performance objectives and goals.
  • Applying gamified methods to the quote for cash processes can encourage accounting staff to make frequent collection calls that get involved in the fully functional activities in the ERP systems, or update their accounts in a more frequent and elaborative way.
  • Applying gamified methods to the billing staff can escalate the employees to provide seamless and robust service, receive invoices faster, increase the teamwork or respond to the overdue accounts in a quick and easy manner.
  • Salesforce is human capital management (HCM) software solution that is developed to use gamification for HR objectives and staff performance.
  • Similarly, Rypple has transformed the conventional process of employee performance management reviews from an initial state and neglected task to one which is more dynamic with the real-time feedback, consultation, and recognition of both success metrics and under-performance.


Typically, business transformation requires an agile approach with a minimal amount of business disruption. The ERP implementation tends to be a complication for the implementation purpose that defines that ability to change the poor rate of user adoption. Hence, Gamification provides a useful tool to engage the users and foster innovation. The correct implementation plan consists of developing the business case, creating and executing the gamification plan that involves a series of steps that ranges from requirements gathering, process modeling, end-user training, and post-implementation support.
