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How to Fix The Error: Creation of Dynamic Property in PHP 8.2

The “Creation of dynamic property” error is a new error introduced in PHP 8.2 that occurs when trying to create object properties dynamically. This can be an issue when developing WordPress plugins that rely on dynamic properties. In this article, we’ll explore this error and how to fix it when developing a WordPress gamification plugin.

Creation of dynamic property in PHP 8.2 – What is This Error and How to Resolve it While Designing a WordPress Gamification Plugin

What is the “Creation of dynamic property” Error?

In PHP 8.2 and later, attempting to create dynamic properties on objects directly like this:

$obj->newProperty = ‘value’;

Here is an Error exception:

Uncaught Error: Creation of dynamic property App\MyClass::$newProperty is not allowed

This change was introduced as a security and performance enhancement in PHP 8.2. However, it can break plugins that rely on dynamic property creation.

Why it Occurs in WordPress Plugins

Many WordPress plugins may create dynamic properties when hooking into WordPress actions and filters. For example:

add_filter(‘the_content’, function($content) {

$this->newProperty = ‘value’;

return $content;


This will now cause the “Creation of dynamic property” error in PHP 8.2.

How to Fix it in a WordPress Gamification Plugin

For a WordPress gamification plugin, dynamic properties may be used to store user scores, achievement data, etc. Here are some ways to fix it:

1. Use Object Variables instead

Rather than dynamic properties, use variables within the object:

add_filter(‘the_content’, function($content) {

 $newVariable = ‘value’;

return $content;


2. Create a Class Property

If you need an object property, declare it as a class property first:

class MyPlugin {

public $newProperty; 


 add_filter(‘the_content’, function($content) {

$this->newProperty = ‘value’;

return $content;


3. Use Array Notation

You can still use dynamic properties via array notation:

add_filter(‘the_content’, function($content) {

$this[‘newProperty’] = ‘value’;

return $content;


4. Refactor Code to Avoid Needing Dynamic Properties

For larger plugins, it may require refactoring code to avoid reliance on dynamic properties. Some patterns include:

Using service classes or dependency injection to pass data between classes rather than dynamic properties

  • Storing user/game data in custom tables rather than object properties
  • Refactoring code into separate classes for better encapsulation
  • Using getters and setters for access rather than direct property access

5. Namespace Dynamic Properties

Namespacing dynamic properties can also avoid conflicts:

add_filter(‘the_content’, function($content) {

$this->{‘myplugin_newProperty’} = ‘value’;

return $content;


6. Implement a Fallback

You can also handle the error gracefully by implementing a fallback:

add_filter(‘the_content’, function($content) {

try {

$this->newProperty = ‘value’;

} catch (\Error $e) {

// fallback code here


return $content;


Wrap Up

The “Creation of dynamic property” error in PHP 8.2 needs to be addressed when developing WordPress plugins. For gamification and other plugins relying on dynamic properties, solutions include using variables, declaring properties, array notation, refactoring code, namespacing properties, and implementing error fallbacks. With some adjustments, a WordPress gamification plugin can be made compatible with the latest PHP versions.
