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myCred 1.7 Feature Requests

I have begun work on the next major version for myCred and would like to invite everyone to post your requests for features you would like to see in 1.7. Post your requests as comments below.

Here are a few things I will be adding in:


I have for a while been working on re-writing the remote API and make it more streamlined. With the introduction of the WordPress API in 4.4, I instead decided to add in support for myCRED through this API instead of writing my own.

Statistics Add-on

In version 1.7, the statistics addon will receive a new shortcode called mycred_statistics allowing stats to be shown on the front end. I might also add in a widget option.

buyCRED Add-on

Will be adding manual payment gateways like Bank Transfer, Check etc.

Gateway Add-on

Add option to set the product price in points on a product by product basis. This will be an alternative to just applying a generic exchange rate for the entire order, like we do it now.

For the rest I welcome your requests and suggestions. Please remember that features needs to be point related and be of use for a majority of myCRED users. So customizations or adding in very special features will not work. I am also not looking to add in any more third-party plugin support at this stage as I simply don’t have the time to provide support for anymore plugins. Each plugin that myCRED supports via hooks is a plugin I need to know and provide support for and this is getting way to much. Instead I will be focusing on helping plugin authors add support for myCRED from their end. 1.7 feature request deadline is December 20th.
